Puppy Overnight Camp

Puppy camp is an intensive socialization experience for puppies 14wks and older to gain experience in a variety of social situations, increase their play skills as they socialize with other dogs and unique training and socialization sessions to build confidence, leash walking and people greeting skills.

This unique camp is a week at a time experience where your puppy comes and lives with our family. Living under our roof for a week means that your puppy is immersed in a social experience that is difficult to replicate as our family has raised dozens of our own dogs as well as litters of puppies over the past 28 yrs.

During your puppy’s stay with us he will experience 4 full days at our dog daycare playing with all different breeds and ages of dogs in a carefully choreographed playtime to help him learn the set of skills needed to negotiate the dog world confidently.

The days that your pup is not at daycare will be spent in a home setting with one of our trainers. We will expose your puppy to all kinds of experiences including but not limited to :

  • Handling for grooming and veterinary visits
  • Resource guarding prevention
  • Housebreaking schedule
  • Improving crate training skills
  • Leash work
  • Walking in the neighborhood
  • Exposure to bikes, runners, skateboard etc
  • Polite Greeting
  • Nipping and Biting Feedback and Integration
  • Grooming/nail trim and equipment intro
  • Kid socialization
  • Socializing with our family of Golden Retrievers and learning all the skills associated with being appropriate with older dogs and self control.

These carefully crafted lessons will be at your puppy’s pace so as not to overwhelm him but to build his confidence in layers.

Puppy Camp Pricing

Basic Package : 1 week
1 full week of daycare, boarding, training and socialization with other dogs & people in a variety of settings.

Cost : $1800/ 1 wk

Standard Package : 2 weeks total
This package includes 2 weeks total of week long visits with us where we socialize, train and board your dog for a week at a time. The first week will introduce all the beginner level training and socialization skills while the 2nd week (recommended about 8 wks after the first week) will introduce more difficult and intense skills for the rapidly maturing puppy who has now entered another more challenging stage of development often accompanied by a fear and uncertainty around distractions that previously were ignored.
This package overs more extensive coverage of your puppy’s development and will help get you through the rough spots more easily and help you build your dog’s foundation toward greater independence and confidence.

Cost: $3600/ 2 wks (1 week at a time)

Ultimate Package: 3 weeks total
For those people looking to raise a dog that is rock solid, confident and can go anywhere with their family, this package adds another week of intense socialization and training so that your emerging adult dog can learn self control and reliable focus around gradually increasingly more difficult distractions and environments. Social skills at this stage are polished and become fore reliable as the exposure to other dogs becomes less novel and more familiar and the communication and play skills approach mastery.
3 wks total spread over 16 wks. First week now, second week 8 wks later, 3rd week 8 wks after that.

Cost $5400/ 3 wks (1 week at a time)

For more information or to schedule your puppy’s camp time with us